
Information Technology

SC Desh Pande

Shri. Vishal A. Jambhale
Information Technology

MMRDA has set up an IT cell on 28th June, 2010, to facilitate innovative ICT projects, to create an environment for metadata repository as well as to undertake procurement and maintenance of ICT infrastructure within MMRDA.

Govt. of Maharashtra has earmarked year 2015 as "Year of Digitized and Time Bound Services." MMRDA's IT vision is to align with the Digital Media Plan of Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra.

MMRDA's IT vision :

"To improve internal efficiency, transparency, service delivery and introduce standardization of processes across MMRDA."

To achieve the vision, MMRDA envisaged a two phased approach :

  1. Phase-1:MMRDA Centric - Server Room, LAN, Hardware, Website, e-Tendering, 500 Mbps Internet Connectivity, Payment, SMS and Email Gateway, Scanning & Digitization, Exhibition Land Module, R&R Database, Video Conferencing, e-Office.
  2. Phase-2:Citizen Centric - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Smart BKC 1.0, Enterprise Web GIS, Building Plan Approval, Digital MMR, Regional Information System.

IT Cell is currently implementing e-Governance initiatives within MMRDA in the following areas :


  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in MMRDA
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) in MMRDA
  • Integrated Digital Delivery for Metro Projects
  • Building Plan Approval System (BPAS) in MMRDA
  • Datacentre Server Farm migration to GoM Cloud
  • Archiving and Securing legend data from Desktops, Laptops of MMRDA Users (Disk Backup)
  • SDWAN in MMRDA with Cyber Security/ Vulnerability Management/ Threat Intelligence, Application, Network Security/ End Point detection response of integrated solution with Multisource Internet Connectivity.
  • Sugarbox (Content on Demand)
  • Upgradation of LAN and WiFi System in MMRDA
  • E-tender portal migration to GoM e-Procurement System
  • Automated IT asset Management


  • Redesign, Revamp, Maintenance and Hosting of MMRDA Website
  • Network Firewall and Load Balancer
  • Resolving of all Hardware Procurement, Inventory, and Software Procurement etc.
  • Engaging Auditors for all IT Initiatives
  • Facility Management Services (FMS)
  • Up gradation of Server Room, Citizen Complaint Management etc.
  • Integration of all Services with E-mail, SMS, Payment Gateway and Digital Signature
  • Dash Board
  • E-Office
  • Internet Leased Line
  • Other Project Management Consultancy (PMC) and Data Analytics
  • Any other e-Governance initiative undertaken by MMRDA/MITC/NIC/GoM jointly



IT Cell facilitates the following services to support MMRDA's IT infrastructure :

  • Helpdesk Support
  • Asset Management
  • End User IT Support
  • Network Management & Monitoring
  • Server Maintenance
  • IT Network Security, Antivirus Management & Compliance
  • Maintenance of IT Infra across MMRDA locations